Nuclear radiation cannot make a stable isotope unstable
The half life of an element can be measured by counting the number of decays per second
A radioisotope with a short half life will have more decays than one with a long half life at any given moment in time.
Cancer and sterilisation both invoke killing unwanted cells, but diagnosis used gamma rays to locate radioactive isotopes
The longer someone is exposed to radiation, the greater the risk of cancer
If the nuclei are more stable, they will decayless frequently so the half life will be longer
Radiation from nuclear power stations is not dangerous as it is absorbed by the atmosphere or shielded by walls
Lead is used for the storage of radioactive sources because it is very dense, and can block alpha and beta radiation and most of gamma radiation emitted by the sources.
Radiatiin from outer space and is called cosmic radiation
lonising radiation can damage the DNA in your cells, which can cause cancer, but it can also be targeted in such a way to kill cancerous cells and prevent tumors from growing.
Radioisotopes have many uses including medical imaging, treating cancer, dating fossils, and detecting leaks in pipes
Nuclear fission occurs when an atom splits into two smaller atoms releasing energy