Act 1

Cards (7)

  • Lily - Oh my god! I think someone's just been stabbed outside. We heard a scream, and then a splash
    And then we found this! I think they must have fallen into the water, but its too dark to see anything out there
  • Lily - We went to see if we could find find another way off the island, but heard the scream and ran to help
    But when we couldn't see anyone, we realised the killer might still be close, so we came back to find someone else
  • Jessica - Yeah, I thought it might be some weird guy to begin with, but now I'm starting to think it was someone who came to the party
    Of course we're not the killer. We heard the scream and found the knife when we ran to help
  • Jessica - We aren't the ones holding a bloody knife!
    Ah! I forgot I was holding that
  • Lily - I'm not having this. I'm going to find the others and hope they have some more sense. Let's get the knife, so we know they can't use it on anyone else
    Where is it? I thought I dropped it over here somewhere. I can't find it!
  • Ella - Doesn't that mean that none of us were the killer after all
    And they're here!
  • Harry & Alice - Who's there?
    I found the knife... I lost the knife... The knife found me... They're here... Its...