Trade as rats that snuck onto the ships carried the bacteria causing plague.
Differences of bubonic and pneumonic plague?
Bubonic: transmitted by fleas, causes swollen lymph nodes, fever and coughing up blood.
Pneumonic: transmitted through respiratory droplets, affects the lungs.
Both had high mortality rates.
What worsened the spread of the plague?
Sanitation, those worst affected by the plague were those that had the worst sanitaion eg. the poor.
Were doctors useful during the plague? 1655-66
Only the rich could afford (though as they could afford to they fled)therefore not all were helped. This didn’t matter much as what they had to offer was futile.
What did the doctors believe treated the plague?
bloodletting to balance the fourhumours they believed illness was caused by an imbalance of them.
What did doctors believed caused plague?
who fled from the plague?1655-66
King Charles, nobility, parliament and most lawyers merchants and doctors.
why was the 1655-66 plague more organised?
The lord Mayer and alderman stayed to stop the spread, this was done by closing the city.
How were they quarantined?1655-66
If one family member had it the rest would be locked in and an x on their door would distinguish them from uninfected.
How many people died from the plague? 1655-66
How many people died from the plague of 1346-53 in England?