Cards (22)

  • The Seven Sacraments (of the Catholic Church)
    • Baptism
    • Confirmation
    • Reconciliation
    • Anointing the sick
    • Matrimony
    • Holy orders
    • Eucharist
  • Which two sacraments do Protestants recognise?
    • Baptism
    • Eucharist
  • Quakers and the Salvation Army don't follow any sacraments because...?

    They believe they are an inward spiritual experience with no need for rituals/external services
  • Sacraments
    An outward sign of an inward and invisible blessing by God
  • Catholics usually practice infant baptism because of original sin + believe unbaptised children can't go to heaven
  • Jesus was baptised as an adult by John the Baptist in the River Jordan
  • Quote for Baptism: (Matthew 19, The Fall - Genesis 3)
    'Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit'
  • Quote for Baptism (John 3:3)
    'Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again" '
  • Many Protestants have adult baptism (believer's baptism) as they don't believe in original sin, and copy Jesus' adult baptism
  • Protestants see baptism as a personal proclamation of faith
  • Baptism
    Christian rite of sprinkling water onto a baby's forehead or immersing an adult in water (symbolising purification) to admit them into the Church
  • Confirmation
    A Christian (often a teenager) renews the vows made on their behalf at baptism as a baby to 'confirm' their faith
  • Reconciliation
    Confession of a sin to a priest to obtain forgiveness from God
  • Anointing the sick

    A priest/bishop anoints a seriously ill person with oil + Catholics believe the Holy Spirit renews the person's faith + strength to accept their suffering
  • Matrimony
    Marriage ceremony - union of two people by God (life commitment)
  • Holy orders
    Process by which men are ordained as deacons/priests/bishops (a life commitment)
  • Eucharist commemorates 'The Last Supper' where Jesus fed his disciples his blood + body in the form of wine and bread
  • Eucharist is also known as...
    Holy communion, Mass
  • Quote for The Last Supper/Eucharist: (Matthew 26:26-29)
    'Jesus took bread, saying "Take this and eat, it is my body." Then he took a cup of wine and said "Drink from it, all of you, this is my blood of the covenant (which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins)" '
  • Eucharist is performed weekly in Church
  • Catholics believe bread + wine literally becomes the body + blood of Christ, this is called...?
  • (Some) Protestants believe Christ is only spiritually present within the bread + wine in Eucharist instead of literally, it is...

    Symbolic / a metaphor