JJ Thompson discovered the electron and introduced the plum pudding model, suggesting that atoms were not solid but made up of positive and negative particles
In the periodic table, the mass number (top number) indicates the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, while the atomic number (proton number) indicates the number of protons in the nucleus. All atoms are neutral, so the number of protons equals the number of electrons
Relative charges and masses of particles in an atom: Proton - charge +1, mass 1; Neutron - charge 0, mass 1; Electron - charge -1, mass ~1/1836 of a proton
Ernest Rutherford, discovered the nucleus of the atom, which is incredibly small and positively charged. He also concluded that atoms are mainly empty space with a negative cloud of electrons surrounding the nucleus
Atoms are incredibly small, with the nucleus being a tiny fraction of the overall size. The nucleus contains protons and neutrons, while electrons orbit in shells around the nucleus
Particles were fired at a thin gold leaf, most passed through indicating empty space, some were deflected back due to hitting positively charged nucleus
Orbital shapes: S orbital is spherical and holds two electrons, P orbital has three orbitals (px, py, pz) each holding two electrons, forming a figure of 8, vertical, and coming out towards you respectively
Shell number one (1s) can hold two electrons, shell number two (2s and 2p) can hold eight electrons, and shell number three (3s, 3p, and 3d) can hold 18 electrons
Electron configuration: Big number in the front indicates the shell number, letter indicates the subshell, and the little number on top indicates the number of electrons in that subshell