Death and disease

Cards (11)

  • Corruption and lies are a disease in a home
  • "nearly all young criminals are the children of mothers who are constitutional liars" darwinism
  • disabled people and prostitutes were seen as a disease to society in the 19th century as they spoiled the idea of a perfect "clean" society
  • Rank recognises that "helmer is a sensitive chap" who "hates to see anything ugly"
  • disease as something that is seen as a weakness in a capitalist society and ideas of masculinity "this poor body of mine, and I find I am bankrupt"
  • death as a payment for sin "with all this death on my hands? All of this to atone for someone else' sin?"
  • suicide is a sin in Christianity so it is seen as something hideous
  • death is an escape from patriarchy, by Nora killing herself she will ruin the appearance of a perfect, pretty, little doll
  • death as the ultimate expression of love and melodrama
  • Nora takes the masculine roll of the hero by taking out a loan and offering her life as payment to save torvald
  • A03: Ibsen's final play before his death was called "when we dead awaken" and it's closing message was the acceptance of death written in 1899