The Heart and Circulation

Cards (23)

  • What is a single circulatory system ?
    System with one circuit for blood flow e.g fishs
  • What is a double circulatory system ?
    a circulatory system where blood passes through the heart twice and has two separate circuits, one for oxygenated blood and one for deoxygenated blood.
  • What is the benefit of the double circulatory system?
    since the blood passes through the heart twice it can travel faster to the body cells deliivering the oxygen needed
  • What is the heart ?
    its an organ mainly of muscle tissue
  • What does the heart do ?
    its pumps blood around the body
  • How many chambers doe the heart have ?
    4 chambers
  • What are the names of the 4 chambers in the heart ?
    • at the top there is the left atrium and the right atrium
    • at the bottom there is the left ventricle and the right ventricle
  • The atria are separated from the ventricle by valves
  • What does the vena cava do ?
    brings in the deoxygenated blood from the body
  • Where does the deoxygenated blood go from the vena cava ?
    the blood passes from the heart to the lungs in the pulmonary artery
  • What happens in the lungs ?
    the blood collects oxygen (gas exchange )
  • What happens in the pulmonary vein ?
    oxygenated blood passes from the lungs to the heart
  • What happens in the aorta ?
    oxygenated blood is pumped from the heart to the body
  • What happens when the atria contracts ?
    the blood is forced into the ventricels
  • What happens when the ventricles contract ?
    the blood is forced out of the heart
  • What does the valves do?
    stops the blood from flowing back into the atria when the ventricles contract
  • Why does the left side of the heart have a thicker muscle than the right ?
    the left ventricle pumps the bloods around the entire body so it need to provide greater force
  • Where is the coronary artery?

    it branches out of the aorta and spread out into the heart muscle
  • What is the purpose of the coronary artery?
    provides oxygen to the muscle cells in the heart
  • The oxygen is used in respiration to provide energy for contractions
  • The resting heart rate is controlled by a pace maker (in the right atrium)
  • What happens when the pacemaker stops working ?
    doctors can make an artificial pacemaker
  • What is an artificial pacemaker ?
    a small electrical device and it correct irregularities in heart rate