Paleontology unit 1

Cards (30)

  • Where to Vertebrates originate from?
    They originate from the phylum chordata:
    -Pharyngeal slits
    -hollow, dorsal nerve cord
    -post anal tail
    -endostyle or thyroid
  • What are the Vertebrate characteristics
    -specialized kidney tubules; marine origins
    -Brain case and vertebral column
    -Blood circulation patterns
    -Gut outgrowths- liver and pancreas
    -Neural crest cells
    -Neural Photoreceptors
    -Bilateral cleavage in embryos
    -secondarily formed mouths
    -Early important new charcaters
  • What are the shared derived characteristics from the Chordates
    -Dorsal, hollow nerve cord
  • Draw a chordate
  • Define Amphibians
    Adapted to survive at land-water interface
  • Reptiles
    can remain on land, including reproductive changes; no water immersion requirements
  • Agnatha
    Jawless fishes
  • Chondrichthyes
    Cartilaginous fishes
  • Osteichthyes are bony fish
  • Aves are birds
  • What are the different geological time periods?
    Hadean 4600 mya, Archean 3800 mya Proterozoic 2500 mya, Phanerozoic 542 mya
  • Phytosaur Cranium
    Upper Triassic crocodilian like reptile, w many large, pointed teeth.
  • Chracaradon megalodon have teeth up to 6 feet long and are ancestors to white sharks
  • What is stratigraphy
    the study of sediment layers; strata
  • How does the shape of the animals affect water resistance
    Hard Edged disks= great resistance
    anything with round surface=Create turbulence, water is sucked back to its body and creates more resistance
    Laminar flow= more efficient; less turbulence, easier to swim
  • Ordovician and silurian are some of the early fossils dating 443-417 mya in the Devonian era. Eariler specimen are heavily armored (bony fish), later species had loose armor and cartilaginous (sharks)
  • What is the Devonian era
    The era of fishes
  • What are paraphyletic? what groups are within it?
    Bony fishes
  • What are bones made of
    Mineral and protein components, hexagonal apatite crystals plus, collagen fibers, living tissue, remodeled throughout life, osteocytes control bone formation.
  • What are agnathan?
    Animals without jaws;Paraohyletic(unknown origin)
    From Devonian to present time
  • Exoskeleton vs endoskeleton
    Exo- external;armor plates
    Endo- provides internal body support
  • what are tail and Side affect Swimming
    Tail provides main thrust
    Side- side movements may have impaired lateral stability
  • Arandapsid are 470 million year old jawless fish about 20 cm long. Found in Australia.
  • Astraspis one of the oldest vertebrate known from N. America. Described from fragmentary plates of bone.
  • Sacabambilla- A fish from bolivia that its head is covered with bony plates. body is covered by long chevrons, allowing flexibility. Although head is not very flexible
  • sacabambaspis- 450 million years ago located in Bolivia. Under 30 cm long. Late Ordovician.
  • Drepanaspis- early Devonian 4000 mya dorsoventrally flattened, lived on sea floor and no paired fins.
  • osteostracans have massive head shields (heavy armor). There are 300 species. Ordovician to late silurian/Devonian early. Paired fins covered with small scales. Various head shapes.
  • What are Hemicyclaspis
    Group known as Cephalaspids.
    Typical Osteostracan
    Lives in fresh water
    400 mya
    20 cm long
    paired pectoral fins
    Dorsal fins
    Early devonian England
  • Pituraspida
    related to osteostraci + Galeaspida. Heavy bony head shields. Unusual, large opening below eyes.
    General features:
    -ear region and horizontal sensory canal
    -gill arches internal to gills
    -paired fins and external skeleto
    -constriction of notochord, solid vertebrate in several groups
    -dorsal fin
    -Anal fin
    -Vertebral column differentiated into abdominal, caudal and tail region