avoids the use of heat on sensitive liquids and gases (would denature and become ineffective - so need filtration)
poors of filter are too small for organisms to pass through
allow liquid of gas to pass through
ex. HEPA filters, membrane filters
is picture looks 3d most likely a SEM
The longer it takes to reach a ten fold reduction the more heat resistant
Membrane filters filtration can be accomplished by
consider the size of the pores relative to the size of some of the bacteria
leptospira interrogans (0.1 x 8 to 20 micrometers) on a 0.2 micrometer filter is most probably okay since they are long and the chances of it fitting exactly in the pore with its long body is small
HEPA filter - High Efficient Particulate Absorbing filters
different layers
have different efficiency
does not sterilize
Membrane filters are useful for liquids and its goal is to force liquid through
we are filtering for the average size
pore is the defining point
Antimicrobial agents can be classified as
prevents cell growth as long as the antimicrobial agent is present
typically inhibitor - pause cell growth
prevents cell growth as long as the antimicrobial agent is present
typically inhibitor - pause cell growth
kills the cells (does not lyse them)
kills and lyses
not considered a cell anymore
Y axis is the log of cell number
x axis is the time
MIC - Minimum inhibitory concentration
the smallest amount of an agent needed to inhibit growth of a microorganism
varies with the organism used, inoculum size, temperature, pH
increasing concentration of antibiotic from left to right
lowest concentration with no growth = MIC
may still have living (non-growing) organisms
the antibiotic may be bacteriostatic
MLC - Minimal Lethal Concentration
plate aliquots of broth from the MIC and from tubes with high concentration of antibiotic, on appropriate nutrient agar plates, without antibiotic
no colonies = MLC
MLC usually higher than MIC
Disc diffusion assay
uses solid media
antimicrobial agent is added to filter paper
the MIC is reached at some distance
forms a zone of inhibition
area of no growth around disc
antimicrobial agents can be divided into two categories
products used to control microorganisms in commercial and industrial applications
chemicals in foods, air conditioning cooling towers, textile and paper products, fuel tanks
products designed to prevent growth of human pathogens in inanimate environments and on external body surfaces
products designed to prevent growth of human pathogens in inanimate environments and on external body surfaces
destroys all microorganisms including endospores
kills microorganisms but not all endospores
used on inanimate objects
reduces the numbers of microorganisms on surfaces (hand sanitizer)
kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms (non-toxic enough to be applied on living tissue (mouth wash)