
Cards (48)

  • Biodiversity means the total variety amongst all living things on earth
  • Ecosystems
    • Tropical rain forest
    • Savannah
    • Moorlands
  • Population
    A group of organisms of one species living in an area
  • Community
    All of the animals and plants that live in one area
  • Ecosystem
    An ecosystem consists of all the organisms living in a particular area and the non-living components with which they interact
  • Habitat
    The place where an organism lives
  • Species
    A group of genetically similar organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
  • All the energy needed by the living things in an ecosystem comes from the Sun
  • Consumers
    Animals that must consume other animals in order to obtain energy
  • Secondary Consumer
    The second consumer in a food chain. They obtain their energy by eating primary consumers
  • Primary Consumers
    • Crabbit
    • Fex
    • etc.
  • Herbivore
    An animal which only eats plant material
  • Primary Consumer
    The first consumer in a food chain. They obtain their energy by eating green plants
  • Consumers cannot produce their own food from sunlight
  • Producers
    • Green plants
    • Phytoplankton
    • Algae
  • Carnivore
    An animal which only eats animal meat
  • Omnivore
    An animal which eats both plants and animal material
  • Producers
    Green plants converting light energy from the sun into chemical energy by photosynthesis
  • Tertiary Consumer
    The third consumer in a food chain. They obtain their energy by eating secondary consumers
  • Types of Consumer
    • Primary Consumer
    • Secondary Consumer
    • Tertiary Consumer
  • Secondary Consumers
    • Wolf
    • Etc.
  • Food chains
    A relationship where one organism feeds on the previous one and in turn provides food for the next one in the series
  • Predator
    An animal which hunts another animal for its food
  • Food chain
    A series of organisms through which energy and nutrients pass as one organism eats another
  • Primary consumer
    An organism that eats the producer
  • Tertiary consumer
    An organism that eats the secondary consumer
  • Prey
    The hunted animal
  • Producer
    Green plant
  • Secondary consumer
    An organism that eats the primary consumer
  • Energy
    Energy flows through the food chain from the producer to the consumer
  • Animals usually have more than a few predators
  • Food chains rarely occur by themselves in nature
  • Predator
    An animal that hunts other animals for food
  • A food web is more complex than a single food chain
  • Food web
    A complex relationship composed of several inter-related food chains
  • A producer is normally eaten by more than one animal
  • Producer
    An organism that produces its own food
  • Green plants compete for
    • Light
    • Water
    • Nutrients
  • Brown Trout
    • VS
  • Competition occurs in an ecosystem when a particular resource is in short supply