Prematurely removing a foetus from the womb to terminate the pregnancy
Abortion is legal in the UK
Killing someone to relieve suffering (mercy killing) often from a terminal illness.
Two types: active + passive
Passive Euthanasia
Withdrawing medical treatment keeping someone alive, e.g. turning off life support if perhaps a patient is braindead. This is legal in the UK
Active Euthanasia
When a patient requests help to die (often using drugs).
It is illegal in the UK
Sanctity of life argument?
Christianity + Islam teach that all life is created by God + as God's creation all life belongs to Him and is holy so as humans we shouldn't interfere
Many religous people believe that people don't have the right to interfere when life ends or to prevent the beginning of a new life.
Many religous people support hospices as they believe it is a way of helping people die with dignity and be cared for, though Muslims usually prefer to care for the ill themselves, as they can be surrounded by family
Quote against abortion/euthanasia: Islam (Qur'an 4:29)
"Do not kill yourselves (or another)"
Quote against abortion/euthanasia: Islam (Qur'an 5:32)
"Whoever kills one person, it is as if he had slain all of mankind"
What is 'Sanctity of life'?
The belief that life is precious/sacred. For many religous believers only human life holds this status
What is 'Quality of life'?
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable
Many people take into account a person's quality of life before euthanasia/abortion