lab quiz exp 1-5

Cards (17)

  • increasing magnification enlarges a specimen. increasing resolution provides better detail.
  • resolution is the ability of a viewing instrument to distinguish adjacent objects as separate rather than as one larger object
  • the lens of the human eye has the resolving power of 100 um, meaning if the space is 90 um, an object will appear as a single object
  • the best light microscopes have a resolving power of 1 nm
  • empty magnification is when a larger image has no greater detail
  • when ultra-fine structures of an enlarged image is presented, this is called useful magnification
  • the quality of lens system and wavelength of source of illumination are the two most important factors that determine the resolving power
  • resolution varies inversely with wavelength, as the shorter the wavelength, the better resolution.
  • the eyepiece lens are the lens at the top that you look through
  • eyepiece lens are usually 10x-15x in power
  • the tube is what connects the eyepiece to the objective lenses
  • the arm supports the tube and connects it to the base
  • the illuminator is a steady light source (110 volts) used in place of a mirror
  • A mechanical stage has two knobs (L-R, U-D)
  • rack stop is an adjustment that determines how close the objective lens can get to the slide
  • rack stop keeps students from cranking HPO lens into slide and break them
  • Condenser lens focuses light onto specimen. They are most useful at high powers.