Cards (6)

  • Military Terms of the Treaty
    Demobilised Rhineland, allied occupation of Rhineland, Article 198 (no airforce), limits on weapons, removal of conscription, limit army size - no freikorp
  • Economy terms of the Treaty
    Payment of reparations (6.6 billion), reconstruct their own economy
  • Territorial Terms of the Treaty
    Lost 13% of land, (Posen, Alsace-lorraine)
  • General terms of the Treaty
    Article 231, - war guilt clause
  • German reactions to the treaty
    • Encourages ‘stab in the back’ 
    • Seen as a ‘diktat’ 
    • Attempts to avoid signing
  • Reactions of the Allies
    France - Policies too lenient 
    Britain - french policies were too greedy and harsh 
    America - thought they solved europes problems