Cards (10)

  • hotel is a business structure that provides comfort services to the guest when traveling or away from home
  • housekeeping is the systematic process of making a home neat and clean
  • home chores are houseworks that needs to be done at regular interval
  • housekeeping refers to the upkeep and maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness
  • Housekeeping is the provision of a clean, comfortable, safe and aestthetically environment
    1. Comfort
    2. Cleanliness and hygiene
    3. privacy
    4. safety and security
    5. decor
  • A housekeeper is one who is responsible for administering houskeeping maintenance
  • CLEANLINESS is the process of freeing your house or lodging place of filth
  • ORGANIZING is creating a systems for storing and finding things. A great finishing touch way to toe everything together after your house or lodging is cleaned
  • 2 types of houskeeping
    1. domestic housekeeping - maintenance at home where the mother is usually the one in-charge in maintaining its orderliness.