
Cards (94)

  • Personality stems from “persona”
  • latin for “mask”
  • personality is a pattern of relatively permament traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior
  • traits are the individual differences in behavior
  • traits is consistent over time
  • traits are stable across situations
  • the personalities and psychology of different theorists influence the kinds of theories they develop
  • Psychoanalytic Theory

    Sigmund Freud's theory of personality
  • Personality
    The result of intrapsychic dynamics of unconscious forces (libido as the driving source, the levels of mental life, and the components of personality)
  • Levels of Mental Life
    • Unconscious
    • Preconscious
    • Conscious
  • Unconscious
    Beyond awareness, includes drives, urges, or instincts, known only indirectly (repression)
  • Preconscious
    Not in conscious awareness, but can be accessed just beneath the surface of awareness
  • Conscious
    Mental life that is directly available, plays a minor role
  • Provinces of the Mind
    • The Id
    • The Ego
    • The Superego
  • The Id
    Pleasure Principle, the only way the id can attempt to satisfy its needs are through reflex action and wish-fulfilling hallucinatory or fantasy experience (PRIMARY PROCESS THOUGHT)
  • The Ego
    The Reality Principle, its purpose is to help the id obtain the tension reduction it craves, it determines appropriate and socially acceptable times, places, and objects, that will satisfy the if impulses (SECONDARY-PROCESS THOUGHT)
  • The Superego
    Idealistic Principle, Conscience (formed by childhood punishment), Ego-Ideal (good, correct, behaviors for which children have been praised)
  • Instincts
    The basic elements of the personality, the motivating forces that drive behavior and determine its direction
  • Instincts
    • Life Instincts
    • Death Instincts
  • Life Instincts
    Serve the purpose of survival of the individual and the species by seeking to satisfy the needs for food, water, air, and sex
  • Libido
    The psychic energy manifested by the life instincts (sex drive), can be attached to or invested in objects (cathexis)
  • Death Instincts
    All living things decay and die, returning to their original inanimate state, as Freud proposed that people have an unconscious wish to die, Aggressive Drive (the wish to die turned against objects rather than the self, compels a person to destroy, conquer, and kill)
  • Types of Anxiety
    • Neurotic Anxiety
    • Moral Anxiety
    • Realistic Anxiety
  • Neurotic Anxiety
    Fear that id's impulses will be expressed unchecked and lead to trouble from environment
  • Moral Anxiety
    Fear that one will not conform to the standards of the conscience
  • Realistic Anxiety

    Anxiety springs from real danger in the outside world
  • Defense Mechanisms
    • Repression
    • Reaction Formation
    • Projection
    • Displacement
    • Fixation
    • Regression
    • Introjection
    • Sublimation
  • Repression
    Banishment of highly threatening material from consciousness
  • Reaction Formation
    Unconscious impulse consciously represented by its behavioral opposite
  • Projection
    Unconscious feelings attributed to another person
  • Displacement
    Person redirects a negative emotion from its original source to a less threatening recipient
  • Fixation
    Anxiety about next psychosexual stage leads to stagnation at current stage
  • Regression
    Return to a stage that previously offered gratification
  • Introjection
    Unconsciously incorporating wishes, values, attitudes, of others as if they were your own
  • Sublimation
    Socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse
  • Stages of Psychosexual Development

    • Infantile Period (Birth-5)
    • Latency Period (5-puberty)
    • Genital Period (puberty-adulthood)
    • Maturity
  • Oral Phase
    First stage of psychosexual development
  • Anal Phase
    Second stage of psychosexual development
  • Phallic Phase
    Third stage of psychosexual development, Oedipus Complex in boys, Electra Complex in girls, Castration Anxiety, Penis Envy
  • Applications of Psychoanalytic Theory

    • Free Association
    • Transference
    • Resistance
    • Dream Analysis (Manifest and latent content)
    • Freudian or Unconscious Slips (Parapraxes)