characterized by a partial or complete loss of consciousness, caused by a temporary reduction of blood flow to the brain?
can be caused by dehydration, fear, lack of O2, low blood sugar?
victim will display shock-like symptoms when experiencing ____ such as:
cool, pale, or moist skin
numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes?
additional signs and symptoms that may _______ _____:
distortion or dimming of vision (tunnel vision)
head or abdominal pain?
position for syncope?
legs elevated over head
what should you do with clothing for a person with syncope?
don't do what when caring for syncope?
eat/drink, facial stimulation
the condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin or doesn't use insulin effectively is called?
diabetes mellitus
people with diabetes often have ____ blood sugar?
when the body produces little or no insulin?
type 1 diabetes
the body produces insulin but either the cells don't use the insulin effectively or not enough insulin is produced; individuals need to inject insulin?
type II diabetes
a condition where the insulin level in the body is too low and sugar in blood is too high?
a condition where the insulin level in the body is too high and sugar in blood is too low?
symptoms of this are too much blood glucose, leads to diabetic ketoacidosis, flushed, hot dry skin, fruity breath?
what can result in diabetic coma?
too little sugar, also called insulin shock, disoriented, nausea, feeling ill?
care for a ______ emergency:
Check and care for any life-threatening conditions
If victim is conscious, check for non life-threatening conditions
Look for a medical alert tag or ask victim?
mild/moderate hypoglycemia is between which mg/dL?
care for mild/moderate hypoglycemia includes giving _____ of fast acting carb?
10-15 grams
how long should you wait after giving fast acting carb?
15 minutes
after waiting 15 minutes after giving fast acting carb, if blood sugar is still low, what do you do?
give 10-15 grams of fast acting carb
After second dose of fast acting carb, you should do what?
recheck after 15 minutes
if blood sugar comes back up after two doses of fast acting carb, you should?
if blood sugar is still low after two doses of fast acting carb, you should?