Mnemonics like acronyms, rhymes, songs, and flashcards create associations between new information and something familiar, which makes the new information more meaningful and memorable.
Rhyme is used to make phrases easier to remember, such as "i before e except after c."
A branch of the Criminal Justice system
Prisoners whose escape could be dangerous
Productive of suffering without affecting integrity
Types of security prisoners
Minimum security prisoners
Medium security prisoners
Maximum security prisoners
Super maximum security prisoners
Composed of incorrigible, intractable individuals
Criminal Justice system
The machinery of any government
Penalty is suffering inflicted by the state
Commensurate with the offense
Different crimes must be punished accordingly
No one must escape
Prisoners who can be reasonably trusted
Legal consequences
Must be in accordance with the law
Equal consequences
Must be equal for all persons
The guilty are
Those who cannot be trusted
Computation of the prescription of penalties is the period of prescription penalmas
Computation of prescription of offenses is the period of prescription
Correctional changes the attitude of offenders
Prescription of crime is punishable by death
Recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one crime
Habitual Delinquency occurs within a period of 10 years
Reiteration is when an offender has been previously punished
Bureau of Correction is an agency under the Department of Justice