the level of risk reflects the likelihood of an unwantedevent happening and the potentialconsequences of the unwantedevent.
define healthy risk taking
a valuableexperience that has the possibilityoffailure, but is also rewarding and relatively safe
define unhealthy risk taking
risk taking behaviour that puts you at risk for bad consequences, and is usually behaviours you have been educated about notengaging in, yet choose to anyway
what are four reasons people take risks?
peer pressure
to try something new
to make new friends
to fit in
examples of healthy risk taking
raising your hand in class
starting a new sport
trying newfoods
examples of unhealthy risk taking
doing drugs
underage drinking
unhealthy dietary habits
risks associated with driving through a red light
it is illegal so you will get fined
you might crash into someone
risks associated with not wearing a helmet while riding a bike