judical review

Cards (29)

  • judicial review - hearing in admin court of kbd high court - judge reviews the lawfulness of a deciison or action
  • judicial review is only used if there is no other effective means of challenging
  • role of kbd admin court - review the case and see if law was applied correctly and correct procedures followed - if decided that a public body is refusing to do something it should or is doing something ultra vires
  • ultra vires - beyond its power
  • if an action is found ultra vires it will be declared void
  • public body refusing to do something the court can order it to comply
  • use of judicial review is only avalibel against a public body - exercising its function as a public body
  • judicial review deals with public law - any private law must be dealth with under tort
  • who can bring an action - person with an interest
  • locus standi - c has a connection to case
  • ultra vires must be brought to court within 3 months of original decision
  • grounds - illegality - fairness - irrationality and proportionatality
  • illegality - public body can only do what parent act allows them to do
  • any action that is unlawful will then be declared void
  • substantiaitve - beyond powers
  • procedural - if not followed correct precedent
  • fairness - public body should sue powers fairly - not be biased - given a fair hearing
  • irrationality and proportionatality - decision could be considered irrational - wednesbury
  • irrationality and hr - only needs to be proportionate - judge balence legitimate aim of state and individual aim
  • procedural - ayelsbury mushrooms - not following procedure
  • substantiatitive - r v secrertary of state - job centre v ann summers - allows something act didn't intend
  • unreasonableness - wednesbury - rodgers v swindon trust
  • remedies - given by court to rectify issue
  • damages - compensation
  • quashing order - overturning public bodys actions
  • prohibiting order - stopping future events
  • injunction - preventing from doing something
  • mandatory order - court order making them follow the law
  • decleration - makes a decleration of the law or rights of participants