role of european court of hr

Cards (25)

  • protocal 11 - ecthr became a full time court - simplified procedure to deal with backlog of cases
  • protocol 14 - came into forcce 2010 - to make protocol 11 more effective
  • 47 members
  • the members elect judges who serve for 9 years
  • 47 full time judges
  • judges are chosen for independance and high moral charcter
  • judges can be removed if not fufiling duties
  • must retire at 70
  • a single judge can decide if case is admissible
  • if it is a repetitive claim - case will be decided by 3 judges 0 called a commitee
  • if not a repetitive claim will use a chamber of judges - 7 judges
  • if a serious issue of judicial importance - use the grand chamber - 17 judges
  • grand chamber - deals with issues where the committee of ministers finds that a state is not abiding by a judgement they can get judgement enforced
  • case can be brought to ecthr by an indiviual after they have tried to resolve the case in their domestic courts
  • ecthr interprets the convention right and how interpreted by member state
  • interprets right and decides there has been a violation - ecthr must decide if a state can pay damages
  • s2 hra - courts must consider decisions of ecthr where relevant - follow own precedent then appeal if conflicting
  • decisions of ecthr do not automatically become uk law
  • ecthr does not have to interpret legal terms the same way that a member state does - they have complete autonomy when interpreting words
  • rights in convention are called negative rights - tell state not to do certain things
  • ecthr interprets negative rights as positive obligations - take action to prevent violations from occuring
  • living instrument - ecthr is not bound by precedent - interpret the convention in a way that develops rights in light of changing social attitudes
  • proportionatality and margin of appreciation - applied to decide if there has been a violation
  • margin of apreciaiton - discretion given to each state
  • proportionatality - if interference strikes a fair balence