Cards (34)

  • -      1981 – foreign sec Lord Carrington and defence sec John Nott approved withdrawal of HMS Endurance = no British naval presence in South Atlantic.
    -      Argentinian military junta (group that ruled after taking power by force) thought that Britain was willing to let Falklands go.
    -      Leader (General Galtieri) sent an invasion force to occupy Falklands, claiming Argentinian sovereignty over Las Malvinas.
    -      Lord Carrington resigned as he had originally been against pulling out HMS Endurance.
    Why were the Falklands invaded by Argentina?
    • In 1982, 98% of population wanted to remain under British rule, allowing Thatcher to emphasise that ‘sovereignty is not negotiable’.
    • Winning back islands by force would be difficult and dangerous.
    • Despite this, Thatcher immediately announced that a naval task force would be sent to remove Argentinian forces and assert the right of Falkland Islanders to self-determination.
    • Thatcher – conviction – it is British territory, and they are British citizens – need to assert authority.
    Why and when did Thatcher make the decision to retaliate with military force?
  • Even though this decision allowed her unpopular government to gain popularity in opinion polls, it could’ve been disastrous (like Suez) – Britain responded very patriotically, with newspaper headlines such as ‘The Empire Strikes Back’. However, some objected to Thatcher’s triumphalism in celebrating victory as if it was WW2 again.

    Response to the Falkland's from the public:
  • •       8th April 1982 the British task force set sail from Portsmouth and Southampton.
    •       While the task force was on route to South Atlantic, there was frantic diplomatic activity – attempts to get Argentina to accept UN Resolution 502 and to pull troops back – SHOWED BRITAIN BEING REASONABLE AND DIPLOMATIC
    •       Landings began on 21st May and by the end of the month the 2 key areas were recaptured.

    Key events of the Falklands conflict:
  • Landings began on 21st May and by the end of the month the 2 key areas were recaptured.

    Most significant thing that escalated the Falklands conflict:
  • 1.      Thatcher’s government soared in the opinion polls
    2.     Grass root Conservative activists were galvanised
    3.     Thatcher gained self-confidence and began to dominate the party.
    4.     Rolling television coverage showed huge and enthusiastic crowds.
    Positive domestic interpretations of the Falklands:
  • 1.      Patriotic national mood took must people, including the press, completely by surprise – ‘The Empire strikes back’.  This contrasted with feelings in the 1970’s that Britain international position was in miserable decline.
    2.     The Special Relationship was strengthened
    3.     Diplomatic relations with Argentina reopened in 1989.
    4.     It didn’t stop Britain’s continued tiding up of its imperial legacy.
    Negative domestic interpretations of Falklands
  • – Britain could not fight a war 8000 miles away without the use of US bases.  The Americans gave the green light and the personal ties between Thatcher and Reagan became even stronger.

    How did the Falkland's help to strengthen the special relationship
  • •       Thatcher attracted criticism for trying to make out that the Falklands was a WW2 style victory.
    •       Objection to the gloating in the tabloid.
    Negative domestic interpretations of Falklands
  • Falklands diminished relationships with Europe
    •       Critics argued that Britain would have to sign a deal with Argentina sooner or later so why fight a war now?
    •       Made it even less likely that Britain would force the people of Gibraltar to accept being handed to Spain.

    Negative international interpretation sf the Falklands
    • Leadership & decision making- Eden worked with France and Israel to invade Egypt. Ruined Eden’s reputation but Falklands increased the popularity of Thatcher and the Conservative party.
    • Success- Relations with the USA- showed America where Britain was loyal, still went ahead with the invasion. Want and need for US support, Special Relationship strengthened greatly.
    • Public attitude- Suez was a secret, most people against it though. Patriotic mood took most, even the newspapers.

    Comparison to Suez
    • Based US policy on stopping the cold war so he took initiative in stopping it
    • Hard line approach: such as military anti-communism which made Gorbachev realise that the USSR was weak
    • Willing to co-operate ensured peaceful end

    How important was Reagan in putting an end to the cold war?
    • Strong bond between Thatcher and Regan who shared personal and ideological similarities
    • Both of their childhoods were shaped by the 2nd world war, particularly Thatcher who admired Churchill
    • 1986: Thatcher gave Regan permission for the US government to use British air bases to bomb Libya despite it being an unpopular opinion in Britain.
    Special relationship with the US
    • Soviet union was on it's last legs by 1980s
    • Opening up of the USSR in 1991
    • Policies like Glasnost and Perestoika led to the downfall of the USSR

    End of cold war
  • Used to describe Thatcher's more abrasive style of negotiation in comparison to the more measured and patient negotiations that was more usual for the Foreign Office diplomats
    Handbag diplomacy
    • secure Britain a better deal over financial contributions to the EEC as Britain was paying in more than it was getting in return from the EEC
    • She eventually got the rebate for Britain in November 1984
    What was Thatcher's first priority in Europe
    • She established a good working relationship with the French president, Francois Mitterrand.
    • They co-operated closely together over the Channel Tunnel project which was agreed to operate in 1986
    • So the symbolic link between France and Britain wasn't proof of anti-Europeanism
    Thatcher didn't display anti-Europeanism at first....
    • Most important EU legislation since the entry of the UK into the EEC
    • Thatcher was enthusiastic at first from 1985-86
    • This changed when there was a possibility of a European monetary union as it would limit the free market to Europe as well as British Sovereignty being threatened
    • She agreed to it in and recommended it without realising that the EU court now has sovereignty
    1986 Single European Act
    • Falkland Islands located about 300 miles from South America.
    • By 1970s, the Falklands wasn't really needed for Britain strategically and the Foreign Office was ready to negotiated with Argentina over it's ownership. However, the people on the actual islands wanted to remain British.
    • In 1981, the Foreign (Lord Carrington) and Defence Minister approved the HMS Endurance being withdrawn, leaving the islands without the navy to which this was a sign for Argentina that Britain no longer wanted the Islands. 

    Background to the Falklands war
    • Galtieri sent an invasion to occupy the islands to assert their sovereignty over Las Malvinas.
    • In response, Lord Carrington resigned over the invasion as he initially was opposed to the withdrawal of the navy but was overruled so he had to push it through.
    • Thatcher's response was an immediate announcement that a naval task force would be sent to Argentina forces and assert the right of the Falklands Islands to self-determination. 

    Argentina response to the withdrawal of British navy
    • It meant that the government became way more popular, with opinion polls rising.
    • It was a gamble like the Suez crisis.
    • The patriotic national mood was took by surprise, including TV reporters.
    • Headlines in American magazine Newsweek was 'The Empire Strikes Back'.
    How did the Falklands affect Thatcher
    • There were some efforts to get Argentina to try to get them to withdraw their troops.
    • On May 2nd, the last chance of a peace settlement disappeared when a British submarine was sunk by a Argentinian battleship as it was heading away from the battle zone.
    • The Sun applauded the actions and titled GOTCHA but anti-war protestors saw this as a purposeful act to try to reach a peaceful conclusion.
    Diplomatic efforts to stop the Falklands war
    • Britain needed the support of the US and needed to use their bases.
    • Unlike in the Suez crisis, the US gave Brits the green light to go ahead and strengthening the special relationship.
    How did the US play a part in the Falklands war
    • Not much really
    • Critics believed that the war was unnecessary as sooner or later Britain would negotiate a deal with Argentina
    • Now there was a resurgence of the British National pride but this wasn't true for everyone.
    • It was a stand-alone event in which didn't really have an impact on world affairs.
    Impact of Falkland on Britain's foreign position
    • Late 70s, it was apparent that the West was loosing the cold war
    • From the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, it also seemed like it was a great threat to Western interests but in reality the Soviet Union was struggling during this time.
    Moves to end the cold war
  • Cold warriors.
    What was the name for British PM, Polish Pope and American president?
    • 1979: invasion of Afghanistan
    • 1981: election of Reagan who believed the USSR an 'evil Empire' and committed USA to the development of SDI.
    • 1984: first meeting between Thatcher and Gorbachev
    • 1985: Gorbachev becomes leader of the USSR
    • 1986: Perestroika and Glasnost introduced and summits with USA begin. 

    The new cold war
    • She had a more combative style and determination to confront the USSR.
    • She was very willing to negotiate with the leader Gorbachev as he made a good impression on Thatcher and Regan due to this new reformist attitude (such as 'if not us who? If not now when?')
    • She also encouraged Regan to negotiate with him and thereafter were prepared to compromise. Although their meetings ended without an agreement.
    • In 1987, the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed in Washington and it was the first time that the cold war could come to an end.
    Thatcher's involvement in the cold war
    • Secure a better deal for Britain over financial contributions to the EEC as Britain was paying much more than it was getting in return. (issue with rebate) 

    What were Thatcher's priorities in Europe
    • Thatcher had a good working relationship with French president, Mitterand, closely cooperating with the building of the Channel Tunnel creating a link between France and Britain.
    • In 1986 Thatcher negotiated the Single European Act
    Thatcher's relationship with Europe at the beginning
    • Initially, Thatcher was quite supportive of it when it was first negotiated but that changed pretty quickly when a future of European monetary union.
    • It did open a gateway to make a free market in Europe a reality but it would have to result in Britain giving up their sovereignty partially.
    • The European Court became an important arbiter which Thatcher either didn't realize or ignored so she suggested passing it and it was done without controversy.
    Single European Act
    • It appeared to be united by their leader due to the creation and strengthening of the free market in EEC as it aligned with Thatcher's economic policies.
    • Most of the cabinet ministers in the early 1980s were pro-European and favoured its expansion.
    • But there were some apparent troubles starting to build up.
    State of conservative party in terms of Europe
    • On the surface this seemed to be a dispute about who would take over who would take over the company, Westland
    • But in reality, it showed the role of the government in economic decisions.
    • Heseltine favoured a takeover from a European consortium and Thatcher thought that the government should do nothing even if it meant that the US company Sikorsky would buy it out. 

    Westland Affair 1986
    • Heseltine claimed that Thatcher wouldn't let discussions about the company take place and the American takeover to go public.
    • So he stormed out and resigned to which Thatcher claimed that this was the closet she ever came to resigning.
    Westland affair continued