This lecture note is prepared to relieve the shortage of reference materials in the country
Finally, my special thanks and gratitude goes to Ato Aklilu Mulugetta for his devoted support and facilitating the preparation of this lecture note
The obstetric nurse does a three or four month course of obstetrics part as part of an integrated training
Important abbreviations and glossaries have been included in order to facilitate the teaching learning process
Importance of Obstetrics and Gynecology nursing
The nurses work among the community and they bear the great responsibility of having to deal with mothers in remote areas and far away from hospitals
Magnitude of Maternal Health problem in Ethiopia
Each chapter contains learning objectives, descriptions, and exercises in the form of discussion, case studies
Historical development of obstetrics
The nurse is part of the health team expected to be able to deal with midwifery
I would also like to thank my faculty secretaries for their cooperation in writing this lecture note
This lecture note offers nurses comprehensive knowledge necessary for the modern health care of women with up-to-date clinically relevant information in women’s health care
The learning objectives are clearly stated to indicate the required outcomes
I also extend my thanks to my colleagues from Alemaya University, Faculty of Health Sciences for their invaluable comments during the revision of the lecture note
My deepest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude goes to The Carter Center, EPHTI, Addis Abeba for the financial support, initiation of the lecture note preparation, and provision of necessary materials
The nurses must do their best to educate mothers in prevention of complications
It is organized in a logical manner so that students can learn from the basics to the complex
Last but not least, I thank my university authorities; Academic Vice President, Faculty dean, and Department for their permission to work on this lecture note besides my other responsibilities
Multiple pregnancy
1. Monozygotic (Uniovular)
2. Dizygotic (Binovular) Twins
1. Development of the Fertilized Ovum
2. Functions of Placenta
3. The Fetal Circulation
4. Anatomical Variations of the Placenta and the Cord
5. Physiological Changes Of Pregnancy
Mechanism and Stages of Labour
1. Management of 1st Stage of Labour
2. The Second Stage of Labour
3. The Third Stage of Labour
Disease Associated With Pregnancy
1. Infection
2. Pulmonary tuberculosis
3. Cardiac Disease
4. Diabetes Mellitus
Postpartum Hemorrhage
1. Atonic Postpartum Hemorrhage
2. Traumatic Post Partum Hemorrhage
3. Hypofibrinogenemia
Antepartum Haemorrhage
1. Placenta praevia
2. Placental Abruption
Breast Infections
1. Acute Puerperal Mastitis
2. Breast Abscess
1. Internal Version
2. External Cephalic Version
Physiology of Puerperium
1. Management of the Puerperium
2. Postnatal care (Daily care)
Antenatal Care
1. History Taking
2. Examination of the Pregnant Woman At First Visit
3. Laboratory test
Malpresentation and Malposition
1. Breech Presentation
2. Brow Presentation
3. Shoulder Presentation
4. Face Presentation
5. Unstable lie
6. Compound or Complex Presentation
7. Occipito-Posterior Position
Physiology of the Female Reproductive Organs
1. Puberty – the age of sexual maturation
2. The menstrual cycle
3. Phases of menstrual cycle
Table of Contents