This practical investigates the factors affecting resistance
The resistance of a circuit can depend on a number of factors, like whether components are in series or parallel, or the length of wire used in the circuit
The Ammeter: Measure the current (in amps) flowing through the test wire. The ammeter must always be placed in series in a circuit
The voltmeter: Measures the potential difference (p.d.) across the test wire (in volts). The voltmeter must always be placed in parallel in a circuit (not aroundany other bit of the circuit e.g. battery)
Attach a crocodile clip to the wire level with 0 cm on the ruler
2. Attach the second crocodile clip to the wire, e.g. 10 cm away from the 1st clip. Write down the length of the wire between the clips
3. Close the switch, then record the current through the wire and the p.d. across it
4. Open the switch, then move the second crocodile clip, e.g. another 10 cm, along the wire. Close the switch again, then record the new length, current and p.d.
5. Repeat this for a number of different lengths of the test wire
6. Use your measurements of current and p.d. to calculate the resistance for each length of wire, using R=V/I (from V=IR)
7. Plot a graph of resistance against wire length and draw a line of best fit
8. Your graph should be a straight line through the origin, meaning resistance is directly proportional to length - the longer the wire, the greater the resistance
9. If your graph doesn't go through the origin, it could be because the 1st clip isn't attached exactly at 0 cm, so all your length readings are a bit out. This is a systematic error
A thin wire will give you the best results. Make sure it's as straight as possible so your length measurements are accurate
The wire may heat up during the experiment, which will affect its resistance. Leave the switch open for a bit between readings to let the circuit cool down