Cards (17)

  • Monosynaptic reflex
    • Stretch reflex: when a skeletal muscle with an intact nerve supply is stretched, it contracts
  • Spindle muscle is the sense organ involved in the stretch reflex
  • Monosynaptic reflex
    • Examples: knee jerk, ankle jerk muscle spindle
  • Reflex

    Basic unit of integrated neural activity
  • Monosynaptic arc
    Reflex arc with a single synapse between the afferent and efferent neurons
  • Reflex arc

    Components: Receptor Organ, Afferent fiber, Synapse, Efferent fiber, Effector organ
  • Polysynaptic arc is a reflex arc in which one or more interneurons are interposed between the afferent and efferent neurons
  • Withdrawal reflex
    Typical polysynaptic reflex that occurs in response to a noxious and usually painful stimulation of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle
  • Touch receptors adapt rapidly and are most numerous in the skin of the fingers, lips, face, and trunk
  • There are 2 types of pain: superficial pain (well-localized) and deep pain (poorly localized, nauseating)
  • Referred pain is felt at an area away from the actual source of pain due to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system
  • Proprioception receptors provide information about the position of the body in space and are located in and around the joints
  • Visceral pain is poorly localized, unpleasant, and associated with various symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and changes in blood pressure
  • Cutaneous, Deep, and Visceral Sensation
    • Touch
    • Proprioception
    • Temperature
    • Pain
    • Visceral Pain
    • Referred Pain
    • Itch
    • Tickle
  • There are 2 types of temperature sense organs: those responding to temperatures above and below body temperature
  • Itching is produced by repetitive low-frequency stimulation or by chemical agents
  • Tickling is produced by very mild stimulation where something is moving across the skin