Taste and Smell

Cards (11)

  • Olfactory receptors adapt fairly rapidly
  • Taste
    Sense organs for taste are the taste buds in the tongue papillae containing the gustatory receptors
  • There is a close relationship between smell and sexual function in many species of animals
    Sense of smell is more acute in females than in males and it is more acute during ovulation
  • Four basic tastes
    • Sourtaste buds at the edges of the tongue
    • Sweettip of the tongue
    • Bitterback of the tongue
    • Saltyanterior dorsum of the tongue
  • Taste and smell
    • Generally classified as visceral senses because of their close association with gastrointestinal function
    • Flavor of food is a combination of its taste and smell
    • Taste and smell receptors are chemo receptors stimulated by molecules in solution in the fluids of the nose and mouth
  • Taste is subserved by

    The facial and glossopharyngeal nerves
  • Taste
    Center is at the postcentral gyrus
  • Naked nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve at the olfactory mucous membrane can be stimulated by irritating substances
    Produces sneezing, lacrimation, and respiratory inhibition
  • Smell receptors
    • They are telereceptors or distant receptors located in the specialized portion of the nasal mucosa
    • Well-developed in dogs and other animals
    • Humans can distinguish between 2,0004,000 different odors but the physiologic basis of this olfactory discrimination is not known
  • Smell receptors
    Subserved by the olfactory nerve and the center is at the olfactory cortex
  • Sniffing
    Semireflex response that usually occurs when a new odor attracts attention