
Cards (12)

  • Visual Receptors
    • RODS
    • CONES
  • Optic Disc
    Area where the optic nerve leaves the eye and where the retinal vessels enter the eye, visual receptors are absent, called the BLIND SPOT
  • Cones
    • Much greater acuity
    • Responsible for vision in bright light or photopic vision
    • Receptors for color vision
    • Contain pigments called iodopsin
  • All types of neurons in the retina
    Converge and leave the eye as the OPTIC NERVE
  • Rods
    • Extremely sensitive to light
    • Receptors for night vision or scotopic vision
    • Contain photosensitive pigment called rhodopsin or visual purple
  • Retina
    Composed of ten layers of cells, outermost layer is the layer of rods and cones (visual receptors)
  • Extraocular Muscles
    • LATERAL RECTUS - eyeball abduction
    • MEDIAL RECTUS - eyeball adduction
    • SUPERIOR RECTUS and INFERIOR OBLIQUE - eyeball elevation
    • INFERIOR RECTUS and SUPERIOR OBLIQUE - eyeball depression
  • Fovea Centralis
    Area where visual acuity is greatest (high concentration of visual receptors)
  • Parts of the eye
    • VISION
    • CORNEA
    • LENS
    • RETINA
  • Layers of Retina
    • 4 Types of Neurons
    • Bipolar cells
    • Ganglion cells
    • Horizontal cells
    • Amacrine cells
  • Reflexes
    1. Pupillary light reflex
    2. Consensual light reflex
    3. Accommodation
    4. Dark adaptation
    5. Light adaptation
  • Common Eye Problems
    • Vit. A deficiency
    • Strabismus (squint)
    • Astigmatism
    • Cataract
    • Defects of the image