M2 - The Container Class

Cards (17)

  • Container Class
    Any class which has other components in it is called as a ________. For building GUI applications at least one ________ is necessary.
  • Panel
    Used to organize components on to a window.
  • Frame
    A fully functioning window with icons and titles
  • Dialog
    It is like a pop up window but not fully functional like the frame
  • Frame
    A graphical window on the screen.
  • JFrame Class
    Contains the most basic functionalities that support features found in any frame window, such as minimizing the window, moving the window, and resizing the window.
  • void setTitle(String)
    Sets a JFrame's title to the String argument.
  • void setSize(Dimension)
    Sets a JFrame's size using a ________ class object; the ________ (int, int) constructor creates an object that represents both a width and a height.
  • String getTitle()
    Returns a JFrame's title.
  • void setResizable(boolean)
    Sets the JFrame to be resizable by passing true to the method, or sets the JFrame to be not resizable by passing false to the method.
  • boolean isResizeable()
    Return true or false to indicate whether the JFrame is resizeable.
  • void setVisible(Boolean)
    Sets a JFrame to be visible using the Boolean argument true and invisible using the Boolean argument false
  • void setBounds(int, int, int, int)
    Overrides the default behavior of the JFrame to be positioned in the upper- left corner of the computer screen's desktop. The first two arguments are the horizontal and vertical positions of the JFrame's upper-left corner on the desktop. The final two sssarguments set the width and height
    Exits the program when the JFrame is closed.
  • WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE
    Closes the frame, disposes of the JFrame object, and keeps running the application.
  • WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE
    Keeps the JFrame and continues running. In other words, it functionally disables the Close button.
  • WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE
    Closes the JFrame and continues running; this is the default operation that you frequently want to override.