aims of custodial sentences

Cards (11)

  • custodial sentences - a sentence of inprisoment for a period of time set by the court
  • 5 factors need to be considered when sentencing a criminal which is under the 142 criminal act 2003: five factors are
    1. retribution
    2. deterrence
    3. rehabilitation and reform
    4. protection of the public - incapacitation
    5. making the offender give back
  • retribution - punishing the offender for their behaviour
    the more serious the crime the more severe the punishment
  • deference - negative consequence of the punishment will deter the offender and others From committing the crime. should prevent further criminal behaviour
  • rehabilitation and reform - change the offender's behavour to prevent them committing more crime
    achieved through educational programmes, drug and alcohol treatment and counselling
  • protection of the public - incapacitation: receive custodial sentences because they are a danger to society, so physically removed from society against which they offended
  • making thee offender give something back - offender asked to pay a sum of money as compensation for their crime or victims given the opportunity to tell offenders about the impact of their crime
    aim at preventing further crime by making the offender consider the effect of their behavour
  • leads to psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety
  • prisonisation - socialised into adopting an 'inmate code'. behaviours that may be deemed unacceptable in the outside world but may be encouraged inside prison
  • institutionalisation - adopted the norms and routines of prison life
  • recidivism - reoffending, a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behaviour. an offender who reoffends