Oral: Birth – 1, Erogenous Zone: Mouth, Pleasure derived from sucking, Fixation leads to individuals taking much interest in smoking, eating, kissing, oral hygiene, and drinking, Weaning away from mother’s breast
Anal: 1-3, Erogenous Zone: Anus, Toilet training interferes with gratification received from defecation, Anal Retentive, Anal Expulsive, Toilet training
Phallic (Independent Stage): 4-5, Erogenous Zone: Genitals, Incestuous Fantasies, Superego Development, Awakening of Sexuality, Masturbation, Oedipus and Electra Complex
Latency: 6-puberty, Sexual urges are sublimated into sports and hobbies, Same-sex friends also help avoid sexual feelings