You can use all the classes that are in package within any program or class definition by placing an ____ statement
To apply inheritance between classes, the ____ keyword is used.
Multiple methods inside the class
A ____ is a collection of related classes and interfaces that have been group together into a folder.
The class does not need to be in the same folder with the classes in the package. The syntax is?
Import java.util.Scanner; or
import java.util.*;
It is a process of combining data and actions into a single item.
It groups instance variables and methods into a class.
Is an interface a program component that contains the headjng for a number of oublic methods? True or False?
The ____ keyword denotes that the method is not used to return a value.
These are variables declared within a method definition. These variables wre only visible tk the methods in which they are declared. They are not accessible from the rest of the class.
Local Variables
It is a programming methodology that defines objects whose behaviours and interactions accomplish a given task.
Object - oriented programming
If an instance variable is ____ there are no restriction on where you can use its name.
The ____ is a public method that changes the data stored in one or more private instance variables.
The ____ is a public method that returns data from a private message variable.
The address of the objects memory location is called a ___ to the object.
Objects of the same kind are said to have the sane data type and belong the same class.
Class types are ___ whose variables hold references or memory addresses
Reference types
One way of organising classes is through inheritance. True or False?
A variable of a class type contains the memory address of the object named by the variable. The object itself is not stored I. The variable but rather in some location in memory. True or False?
Is the list of variables in a method declaration.
____ is the actual value that is passed when the method is invoked.
Are variables declared outside the method, constructor, or any block.
Instance variables
Is a collection of statements that are grouped together to perform an operation.
Is the mechanism for restricting access to some of the object's components.
Information hiding
If a method definitions is ___, the method cannot be invoked within the definitions of methods in its class.
You can invoke it anywhere without restriction.
The ___ describes the structure of a class by displaying the class name (first row) variables (second row), and third row.
UML Class diagram
Instead of using == for comparison, use the "euals()" method.
An interface is used by another class through the ____ keyword.
A ___ is a program component that contains the heading for number of public methods.
A ___ is a special method that is used to create and initialize an object.
Using the ___ keywrod calls a constructor.
Occurs when multiple methods have the same name within the same class.
A method's name and the number and types of its parameters are called the method's ____
A class Cannot define multiple methods with the same signature. True or False?
A ___ is shared by all the objects of its class.
Static variable
A constructor does not have a return type. True or False?
A constructor can't call methods within its class.
Enables the use of existing class to define a new class.
The existing cass tat the derived class is built upon is called the ____.