Personal Development

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  • Joseph Luft & Harrington Ingham introduced the concept of Johari Window.
  • Johari Window is a mechanism designed to help an individual grow through learning more about oneself and others.
  • Self-awareness is the ability to know oneself extensively
  • Looking Glass Self implies that people see themselves through the eyes of others and form ideas about themselves based on others' judgments
  • Self Concept Clarity helps in becoming self-aware by providing a stable view of positive traits
  • The term "Johari" was coined from the first syllables of their names
  • Personal effectiveness depends on innate characteristics, talents, and experience accumulated in the process of personal development
  • Three aspects of the self
    • Actual Self
    • Ideal Self
    • Ought Self
  • Self-concept
    A structured overall impression of the self, including physical characteristics, personality traits, and social identity
  • Self Discrepancy Theory states that if the actual self does not match the standards set by the ideal or the ought self, there may be negative affective consequences
  • Personal effectiveness means making use of personal sources like talents, skills, energy, and time to achieve life goals
  • Talents need to be identified and developed for use in specific subject areas like science, literature, sports, politics, etc.
  • Factors that influence self-concept and self-esteem include the ways others react to an individual, comparisons to others, and identification with others
  • Johari Window is a model for self-awareness and interpersonal relations introduced by Joseph Luft & Harrington Ingham
  • Looking Glass Self is coined by Charles Cooley
  • Self-esteem is experiencing a high self-worth or value for oneself
  • Experience includes knowledge and skills acquired through cognitive and practical activities
  • Keys to improving personal effectiveness
    • Being self-aware
    • Making the most of your strengths
    • Learning new skills, techniques, and behavioral flexibility
  • Skills determine whether real actions are performed in accordance with the plan and can become habits if used repeatedly in the same situation
  • Skills that greatly increase efficiency
    • Determination
    • Self-confidence
    • Persistence
    • Managing Stress
    • Problem-solving skills
    • Creativity
    • Generating tools
  • Personality is relatively stable characteristics and qualities that account for consistency and distinctiveness in an individual
  • Experience includes knowledge and skills acquired in the process of cognitive and practical activities
  • Self-confidence appears in the process of personal development and is manifested in speech, appearance, dressing, and physical condition
  • The Five-Factor Model of Personality, also known as the BIG FIVE or OCEAN, is the most popular model used in testing by McCrae and Costa
  • Problem-solving skills help cope with problems encountered with a lack of experience and increase efficiency by adopting new ways of achieving goals
  • Talents first need to be identified and then developed to be used in a particular subject area (science, literature, sports, politics, etc.)
  • Creativity allows finding extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action and usually greatly increases the speed of action when using creative tools
  • Persistence makes one keep moving forward regardless of emerging obstacles and can be developed with self-discipline exercise
  • Generating tools help achieve goals using new, original, unconventional ideas and can be facilitated by methods like mental maps
  • Determination allows focusing on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by less important things or spontaneous desires
  • Managing Stress helps combat stress arising in daily life and increases efficiency in an actively changing environment
  • Knowledge is required for setting goals, defining an action plan to achieve them, and risk assessment
  • The study of human development is essential to understanding how humans learn, mature, and adapt
  • Puberty is the physical transformation that both young males and females experience as sexual maturity is reached
  • Some aspects of our life change very little over time and are consistent, while others change dramatically
  • Middle Age is the transition age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are experienced
  • Wholeness involves all aspects of what makes us human - Mind, body, soul, emotions, and relationships
  • Adolescence refers to the teenage years which start at about the age of 12 and end at 21
  • Human Development focuses on human growth and changes across lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality, and emotional growth
  • The human being is either in a state of growth or decline, but either condition imparts change