Many similar plant and animal fossils were found in continents that are presently far from each other such that it is unimaginable for an animal to have flown or swum to get to the other continent. For example, the fossils of Mesosaurus, a freshwater reptile, were found in Brazil and in Africa. Freshwater reptiles are not capable of swimming to distances between continents unless the continents of Africa and South America were once together. Another example is the Glossopteris, a fern plant, which was found to have thrived in five different continents (Africa, India, Australia, South America, and Antarctica) that are presently separated by oceans and seas, thus miles away from one another. With the absence of flying vehicles during that time, it would be impossible for any avian organism to have carried with it seeds of Glossopteris for pollination as it flew from continent to continent unless again, those continents were close to each other. Only the drifting of continents away from each other could explain this phenomenon.