4.2 - Family and Social Policy

Cards (22)

  • What are the New Right views on the family?
    • believe in the traditional nuclear family - with a male provider and housewife.
    • do not like any acts/benefits that undermine the nuclear family
    • criticises the government for offering overly-generous benefits
    • believe they support lone parent families
  • Who is Charles Murray?
    • A new right sociologist
    • believes that the gov benefits are 'perverse incentives' which encourage different family types
    • encourages anti-social behaviour such as teenage pregnancy
    • encourages lone parent families - since they give benefits to lone parent families
  • What was the 1967 Abortion Act?
    • legalised abortion in the UK. New Rights argue that young women treat it as contraception which undermines the sancity of life.
  • 1967 Sexual Offences Act -
    • partly discriminated male homosexuality
    • age of consent was reduced from 21 to 18 and 16 in the 2000
  • 2002 Adoption and Children Act -
    • made it legal for same sex couples to adopt children
  • 2009 Embryology and Fertilisation Act -
    • Recognised lesbians and legalised the use of IVF to help lesbians have chidren
  • Who is Patricia Morgan?
    • new right sociologist
    • Criticises the new acts - says gays/lesbians should not be allowed to have children as it defeats the purpose of the sexual union of a man and woman
    • Says that these acts help mimic 'heterosexuality'
    • Believe gay/lesbian couples treat their children as trophy children - show them off to other couples and neglect them
  • What was the 1975 Sexual Discrimination Act?
    • made it illegal to discriminate women in the workplace
    • women are paid the same as men
  • What do New Right think about the 1975 Sexual Discrimination Act?
    • Says it drives women away from their natural calling as mothers.
    • Women are now more career-orientated and neglect having children
    • Children can face maternal deprivation
  • What was introduced in the 1960?
    • the contraceptive pill
    • criticised for encouraging sexual immorality and affairs
    • undermines the union of sex
  • What was the 1969 Divorce Reform Act?
    • made divorce easier and cheaper to obtain
    • criticised because New rights argue people no longer take marriage seriously
  • Criticisms of the Acts -
    • Morgan - more than 2/3 of families now use the government's benefits. It defeats the purpose of the traditional nuclear family.
    • Butler - argues because of these benefits, society has more broken families instead of strong and durable families
  • When was the Labour government introduced?
    1997 - 2010
  • What does Finch argue?
    • labour government were moving from an individualistic regime to a more familiaristic regime
    • helped lone parent families by providing jobs and benefits
    • took a social investement in children by hiring a child commissioner to eradicate child poverty
  • What did Labour introduce in 2003 to help children?
    • child tax credit
    • helped see children as individuals
    • gave income to lone parent families to help raise children
  • Why do the New Right criticise the Labour government policies?
    • Undermines the nuclear family and encourages lone parent, gay families
    • creates a nanny state
  • When did the Coalition government form?
    • 2010 - 2015
    • took place to help families to become strong and stable as they are the bedrock of society
  • What did the Centre of Social Justice produce?
    • a report on troubled families
  • What were the features of a troubled family?
    • Dysfunction - families did not take responsibility for childrens behaviour
    • Dissolution - divorce was easy to obtain
    • Dad-lessness - dads did not keep contact with children
  • What did the troubled families programme solve?
    • anti social behaviour in children
    • dads keeping contact with children
    • high crime rates
    • truanting in schools
    • lone parents who did not work
  • Criticisms of troubled family programme?
    • Levitas argues that they put the blame on poor families.
    • Data shows 3/4 families that were fixed returned back to anti social behaviour
  • Evaluation of state policy -
    • New Right argue that the state policies undermine the nuclear family since most policies are due to the outcome of nuclear families.
    • Marriage tax is lower than cohabitating tax
    • Child tax credit is given to mother - shows the nurturing role
    • Best council housing is given to nuclear families