A set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to their ability (United States Department of Health and Human Services).
Physical Fitness
The ability of an individual to perform tasks successfully, effectively, and efficiently without undue fatigue but with extra-reserved in case of emergency.
Physical Fitness
Your definition of fitness will be influenced by your interests, physical abilities, and goals.
What are the two components of fitness?
General Fitness
Specific Fitness
A state of health & well-being.
General Fitness
The ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations.
Specific Fitness
Involves the components of physical fitness that relate to good health.
Health-related fitness
Health-related fitness is composed of?
Body composition
Cardiovascular fitness
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance
Lower percentage of body fat and higher percentage of non-fat mass (bones, muscles, & organs).
Body Composition
Efficiency of transfer of oxygen & nutrients to lungs and blood vessels.
Cardiovascular Fitness
The ability of joints and muscles to move through their full range of motion efficiently and comfortably.
Different from muscle strength and the amount of force one’s muscle can produce.
Muscular strength
The ability of one’s muscle to keep working over a long period of time.
Muscular endurance
Involves the components of physical fitness that relate to enhanced performance in sports and motor skills.
Skill-related fitness
Skill-related fitness is composed of?
Reaction time
The ability of body to change position quickly.
The ability to keep an upright posture while moving or standing and integration of hand-eye movement.
It is a combination of speed and strength.
Ability to cover a distance in a short period of time.
Senses and the ability to start a movement while senses signal to move.