
Cards (11)

  • “soon as his eyes had drunk all her beauty up/leaving no drop in the bewildering cup/and still the cup was full” 

    part 1 - shows the immortality of beauty and lamia, a mortal can't consume or understand the beauty of an immortal
  • “nothing but pain and ugliness were left”
    part 1 - although lamia is socially beautiful she is not at full peace with herself
  • "from one trance was wakening into another"

    part 1 - reference to Lycuis as he questions lamia's mortality she uses her beauty to her advantage to stop him
  • “demon’s mistress” ,“striped like a zebra” ,“demon’s self”
    part 1 - prey/predator question with lamia, is presented as both throughout the poem
  • “like a stooped falcon ere he takes his prey”
    part 1 - portrays lamia as a victim of Hermes
  • "why should she adore?" ,"Lycius from death awoke into amaze"

    part 1 - fear of losing lamia, also questioning her love for him
  • "safe together met alone" ,"playing woman's part"

    part 1 - social expectations Vs the freedom of isolation
  • “And shut the chamber up ,close ,hushed and still / when dreadful guests would come to spoil her solitude” -line 555/557

    Part 2- show socail expectations on a public relationship, Lamia feels more safer when alone and in private. Dream Vs reality
  • “Philosophy will clip an Angel’s wings” -line 650

    Part 2- having a narrative being explained by logical events takes away from the fantasy it creates
  • “And Lycius’ arms were empty of delight, as were his limbs of life” -line 724

    Part 2- all of Lycius‘ lice depended on lamia, link with la belle dame, as the knight and Lycius both die of a loss of love
  • “Love in a palace is perhaps at last more grievous torment than a hermits fast” -line 412

    Part 2- dream of a palaces as a way of escape ,in reality they can trap and control the love. Dream Vs reality