The Battle of Blore Heath was the 23rd September 1459
Who was involved on each side of the Battle of Blore Heath?
Lord Audley
Lord Dudley
Brief summary of the Battle of Blore Heath
Yorkist troops travelling + gained attention of Lancastrians
Salisbury shadowed by Somerset
Attempts to negotiate peace
Audley refused Salisbury passage + forces were deployed
Audley killed + men began to flee
Key deaths and captures of the Battle of Blore Heath
Audley killed
Dudley captured
Salisbury just escaped but his 2 younger sons captured
What were some significant outcomes of the Battle of Blore Heath?
Yorkist victory
Discredited Yorkist loyal subject claim as repeated action to challenge the crown
Yorkists had to get to Ludlow
What happened before the rout of Ludford Bridge?
After the Battle of Blore Heath
York + Salisbury sealed an agreement by indenture that binds them to assist one another -> saving only their allegiance to Henry VI
When was the rout of Ludford Bridge?
The rout of Ludford Bridge was the 12th October 1459
Which Yorkists were involved in the rout of Ludford Bridge and big was their force?
Yorkists: 25000 forces
Edward (Earl of March)
Edmund (Earl of Rutland)
Lord Clinton Grey
Which Lancastrians were involved in the rout of Ludford Bridge and big was their force?
Lancastrians: 40-60000 forces
Henry VI
Brief summary of the rout of Ludford Bridge
Yorkists path to Worcester blocked by Royalist army who regarded them as traitors + rebels
York swore oath of loyalty but was ignored
Pardon offered to all but Salisbury
Yorkists long retreat to Ludlow (fortified the fields) moral was low
Trollope + others defected because of Henry VI
After council of war held all Yorkist leaders fled
York + Edmund -> Ireland
Salisbury Warwick Edward + Fauconberg -> Calais
What were the significant outcomes of the rout of Ludford Bridge?
Shameful loss for the Yorkists
They could have been executed
Duchess of York had to surrender herself to the King
Act of Attainder
When did the Parliament of Devils meet and where?
The Parliament of Devils met on the 20th November 1459 in Coventry
What was different about the Parliament of Devils?
Parliament had not met for 3 and a 1/2 years
Parliament had moved to Coventry
Elections should have been held but political strife prevented this
Mp's were named without free election (very Lancastrian)
What were the outcomes of the Parliament of Devils?
The aim of the parliament was to condemn Yorkists as traitors
Somerset = Captain of Calais only in the name as Warwick + allies refused to yield possessions
Wiltshire = Lord Lieutenant of Ireland only in name as Irish Parliament declared support for York + supplied with retinues of archers
What treaties were made in the Parliament of Devils?
Somnium vigilantes - set case against Yorkists saying broken oaths + rebellion was unjustified
ActofAttainer = York, Salisbury, Warwick, March, Rutland + others declared traitors + lands, honours + titles sentenced to forfeiture (given to lancastrians) = families ruined
What was Henry's reaction to the Parliament of Devils?
Henry still wished for leniency + wanted compromise + forgive the men (House of lords also want peace -> only after ring leaders of Yorkist cause)
Clause at the end of Attainder showed Henry was still more concerned with showing mercy as he reserved right to pardon those who submitted to him
What were the Yorkists reactions to the Parliament of Devils?
Yorkists dismissed their sentences and planned to return to England with a force ( no other choice as traitors )
From Calais they issued a manifesto declaring loyalty to the king and condemning their enemies at court for their misfortune
When was the Battle of Northampton?
The Battle of Northampton was the 10th July 1460
Who was on the Yorkists side and how big was their force during the Battle of Northampton?
Yorkists (12000)
Earl of March (Edward)
Who was on the Lancastrian side and how big was their force during the Battle of Northampton?
Henry VI
Lord Grey
Viscount Beaumont
Brief summary of the Battle of Northampton
Royalists arrived first -> Canons, staking fences + defensive ditches but rain soaked gunpowder so it was useless
Formalities and + negotiations -> Warwick made clear only to kill lords, knights and squires -> not king of common people
Lord Grey switched + helped Yorkists -> butchered anyone wearing armour or nobility colours
King apprehended -> Warwick, Faunconberg + March protested loyalty + asked for forgiveness
Key deaths etc of the Battle of Northampton
Key deaths:
400 men
Henry apprehended
What were the significant outcomes of the Battle of Northampton?
Henry in custody of Yorkists
Parliament summoned to cancel Acts of Attainder
Duchess of York released
George Neville made chancellor
Thomas Brouchier made Treasurer
What did York do on his return from Ireland after Northampton?
York returned on the 8th September 1460 displaying the royal banner and acted in the manner of a king
Approach Westminster with sword borne upright before him
When entering the hall on the opening of parliament on the 7th October he laid his hand on the throne as if to claim it
What/When was the Act of Accord?
On the 16th October York was forced to submit a case for a claim to the throne
On the 25th October the Act of Accord was agreed with 3 main points: Henry VI to remain on the throne, York govern as protector of England, York renamed Henry's heir instead of Prince Edward
What were the reactions of the act of accord?
Some yorkists (Warwick) not on York's side in this particular matter
Archbishop Brouchier refused to participate in his coronation
Breakdown in law and order in the North
Led to Lancastrian rebellion
Was it always York's intention to seize the throne? (After the Act of Accord)
Agree: Needed noble noble support and faked loyalty. Arms against king. Bills mentioned his place as heir
Disagree: Opportunity at St Albans and his protectorate. Tried to negotiate with bills. Always pledged loyalty to king. Parliament of devils gave no other choice
Who was Anjou gathering support from in England etc ( After Act of Accord)?
Anjou gathered troops from the west country, Wales and the North
Jasper Tudor, Exeter Somerset Clifford Devon and Northumberland
Who was Anjou's foreign support and how did they help her?
Anjou went to Scotland and spent 2 weeks with Queen Dowager Mary Gueldres (widow of James II) on how Scotland could support her
They couldn't provide money
Men at arms made available
Prince Edward promised to one of Gueldres daughters
Got port of Berwick-upon-Tweed
When was the Battle of Wakefield?
30th December 1460
Who was on the Yorkist side during the Battle of Wakefield?
Edmund Earl of Rutland
Who was on the Lancastrian side during the Battle of Wakefield?
Lord Clifford
Lord Roos
10000 - 15000
What happened during the Battle of Wakefield?
Force led by Somerset outside Sandal castle where Somerset was waiting and building up force
Wiltshire and Lord Roos hid 2 flanks in woodlands
York and Salisbury led men out to attack but got trapped with fresh attack from flanks
York dragged from horse and killed
Rutland killed by Clifford and Salisbury - imprisoned then beheaded
Key deaths in the Battle of Wakefield
York, Salisbury and Rutland beheaded and placed on spikes above Micklegate bridge in York
Paper crown on Yorks head
Thomas Neville killed
Significant outcomes of the Batlle of Wakefield
Yorkist defeat - 2 leading figures killed
Returned initiative to Lancastrians
Lancastrians began to march to to London where Warwick was trying to gather force
When was the Battle of Mortimers Cross?
On the 2nd of February 1461
Who was involved in the Yorkist side of the Battle of Mortimers Cross?
Edward Earl of March
Sir William Herbert
Sir John Wenlock
Sir Walter Devereux
Who was involved in the Lancastrian side of the Battle of Mortimers Cross?
Jasper Tudor Earl of Pembroke
Owen Tudor
James Butler Earl of Wiltshire
Forces quite even
4000 - 5000
What happened in the Battle of Mortimers Cross?
The morning of the battle there was a perihelion (3 suns) because of the reflections on the ice
Yorkists initially scared but Edward said it meant God was on their side = Father, Son and Holy spirit
Fighting starts and Lancastrians lined begin to collapse - fighting lasted half an hour
Lancastrians began to flee but were pursued by Yorkists
Common soldiers not spared like previous battles (big change for WORS)
Key deaths in Battle of Mortimers Cross
More killed in this battle than last 3 combined
Owen Tudor taken captive, killed and head stuck on Market Cross