Cells are mostly water, but the rest is mainly carbon-based molecules
Carbon plays the leading role, because have the ability to form skeletons of large, complex, and diversemolecules that are necessary for life’s function.
Inorganic compounds are those that don’t have a carbon skeleton.
Carbon is a versatile molecule ingredient because can share electrons with other atoms in 4 covalent bonds - 4 directions.
Carbon is possible to construct an endless diversity of carbon skeletons.
Molecules with multiple carbon “intersections” can form very elaborate shapes.
Carbon can also bond with other elements, most commonly hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
The unique properties of an organic compounds depend in its carbon skeleton and on the atoms attached to the skeleton.
Functional groups are those groups of atoms directly involved in chemical reactions.
Each functional group plays a particular role during chemical reactions.
Examples of this type of groups are:
OH, found in alcohol such as isopropyl rubbing alcohol.
COOH, found in all proteins.
Other type of funtional groups:
Phosphate Group.
Sulfhydryl Group.
Carbonyl Group.
Hydroxyl Group
Carboxyl Group.
Amino Group.
Many biological molecules have two or morefunctionalgroups.
Dehydration Reaction means that cell links monomerstogether to form a polymer through this reaction.
For each monomer added to a chain, a watermolecule (H2O) is formed by release of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom from the reactants.
Hydrolisis is a process that occurs breakdown a polymer into monomers.