The Muscular System

Cards (32)

  • Muscular System - composed of muscle tissue.
  • Muscle tissue - the most abundant tissue of the body and are most adaptable.
  • Functions of the Muscular System:
    • Movement of the body
    • Maintenance of posture
    • Respiration
    • Production of body heat
    • Communication
    • Constriction of organs and blood vessels
    • Contraction of the heart
  • The Three Major Types of Muscle Tissues:
    • Skeletal Muscle Tissue
    • Cardiac Muscle Tissue
    • Smooth Muscle Tissue
  • Skeletal Muscle - attached to bone.
  • Cardiac Muscle - muscles in our heart.
  • Smooth Muscle - muscle inside our organs such as the intestine, internal organs, visceral muscle, walls or hollow organs, blood vessels, or glands.
  • Skeletal Muscle - long, cylindrical.
  • Cardiac Muscle - branched and cylindrical.
  • Smooth Muscle - spindle-shaped and fusiform.
  • Skeletal Muscle - have multiple nucleus and is located peripheral.
  • Cardiac Muscle - has 1 nucleus and is located in the middle.
  • Smooth Muscle - has 1 nucleus and is located in the middle.
  • Cardiac Muscle - has a special feature of intercalated disks.
  • Smooth Muscle - has a special feature of cell-to-cell attachments.
  • Skeletal Muscle - striated, no autorhythmic, and voluntary.
  • Cardiac Muscle - striated, autorhythmic, and involuntary.
  • Smooth Muscle - unstriated, autorhythmic, and involuntary.
  • Skeletal Muscle - moves the whole body.
  • Cardiac Muscle - contract heart to propel blood through the body.
  • Smooth Muscle - compress organs, ducts, tubes, and so on.
  • Skeletal Muscle - Striated Voluntary
  • Cardiac Muscle - Striated Involuntary
  • Smooth Muscle - Unstriated Involuntary
  • Skeletal Muscles' Functions:
    • Movement of the body
    • Maintenance of posture
    • Respiration
    • Production of body heat
    • Communication
  • Cardiac Muscles' Function:
    • Contraction of the heart
  • Smooth Muscles' Function:
    • Constriction of organs and blood vessels
  • Characteristics of Skeletal Muscles:
    • Contractility
    • Excitability
    • Extensibility
    • Elasticity
  • Contractility - the ability of the skeletal muscle to shorten with force.
  • Excitability - the capacity of the skeletal muscle to respond to stimulus.
  • Extensibility - means that skeletal muscles stretch.
  • Elasticity - the ability of the skeletal muscles to recoil to their original resting length after they have been stretched.