Human Development and Aid

Cards (16)

  • Human development
    Increasing people's freedom and opportunities to improve their wellbeing
  • Measuring human development
    Life expectancy, education, income levels measured by UN Human Development index
  • Aid
    Resourced donated from one governmental or non governmental organisation (NGO) to a country in need of
  • Resources given
    Emergency supplies
    People with skills
  • Non-governmental aid

    Provided by NGO and consists of public donations
  • Bilateral aid
    Given from one government directly to another
  • Multilateral aid
    Provided by multiple governments or organisations (a.k.a Official Development Assistance)
  • Emergency or short-term aid
    The immediate provision of food, water and shelter.
  • Conditional or tied aid

    Conditions are attached to the donation of money or resources
  • Untied aid
    No conditions attached
  • Long-term development aid
    Provided education à and skills to local communities for sustainable development
  • Untied Aid and Irish Aid
    Provided by a governmental agency known as Irish Aid, supportes developing countries such as Ethiopia, Lesotho and Malawi
  • How does Irish aid help human development?
    Eradicating poverty and hunger

    Remotes gender equality
    Coping with climate change
    Supports education
    Improves health
    Trade and economic growth
  • Advantages of aid
    Saves lives and rebuild housing and industry after disaster
    Medical training, medicine and equipment improves health
    Resources help increase years spent in school and literacy rates
  • Disadvantages of aid
    Increases developing countries reliance of developed country
    Political corruption
    Puts economic/political pressure on a country
    Military aid may become corrupt
  • Technology and human development
    Technology or intermediate technology can help develop a developing country