A simple, directional response to a stimulus where the direction of the stimulus determines the direction of the response
Single-celled algae/protoctista move towards light (phototaxis)
Earthworms move away from light (Negative phototaxis)
Male insects fly towards chemicals secreted by mature females (Positive chemotaxis)
Daphnia move towards a high concentration of oxygen (Positive aerotaxis)
Kinesis results in an increase in random movement
Survival and Response in Simple Organisms-Taxes and Kineses
Simple innate forms of behaviour relying on simple reflex actions in simple organisms, allowing mobile organisms to respond to environmental changes and maintain favorable conditions for survival
Taxes and Kineses
Genetically determined behaviors that cannot be adapted or modified, showing a stereotyped pattern in all members of a species, typical of simple organisms with a short life cycle
Advantages of Taxes
Need light for photosynthesis, to make organic compounds. Increases survival chances
Better able to conserve water, find food & avoid predators
Increases chance of finding a mate of the same species
Oxygen is used in respiration
A non-directional response to a stimulus where the rate of movement or change of direction is related to the intensity of the stimulus, resulting in an increase in random movement