Pre-production planning

Cards (22)

  • Work planning
    A plan of the work that needs to be done. It lets everyone on the project when and where they will be needed. Without planning, a project may over run or run out of time. Can also help plan equipment, resources and people needed. Structures the project
  • Work plan
    A planning document to create the structure to a project. It can be created on a spreadsheet, with a planning app, or using an online software. A workplan is a live, working document
  • Components of a work plan:
    • Phases - Pre-production, production, post-production
    • Tasks - Larger sections of work
    • Activities - The smaller actions that need to be carried out in order to complete a task
    • Workflow - The visual representation of all the activities in the order they need to be completed
    • Timescales - The length of time available to complete a project
    • Milestones - Key points in a project
    • Contingencies - Plans made for a possible situation or event that may happen
    • Resources - Hardware, people, software needed
  • Advantages of workplans:
    • Allow managers to see all stages of a project
    • Everyone knows their roles and resposiblities
    • People know when they will be needed
    • Clear deadlines
    • Easy evaluation of a project
    • Allow contingency planning
    • Easy to spot if something is going wrong
  • What is a mind map
    A diagram created to support the generation of idea and organise information. It helps to break down or develop ideas step by step. It will contain a main idea in the middle of the diagram, inside a shape. Shapes will contain information called nodes. Lines that come away from those nodes are called branches.
  • Types of mind map
    Physical mind maps-completed by hand
    Digital mind maps- created by using a digital computer software
  • Uses of a mind map
    • Ideas generation
    • Summarizing requirements
    • Thinking through complex scenarios
    • Taking notes
    • Problem solving
    • Audience research collation
  • What is a mood board?
    A landscape collage of overlapping elements. It includes images, fonts, color, materials, sounds and video clips. It conveys information about a tone, theme or feel.
  • Types of mood board
    Physical mood board: Can be completed by hand
    Digital mood board: Are created using digital computer software
  • Uses for a mood board:
    • Gain inspiration
    • Idea development
    • Target audience information
    • Find out about competitors
    • Develop a look, feel, or tone
  • What is an asset log?
    A spreadsheet, database, or table that contains information on any assets that have been collected to use in a media product. An asset is an illustration, a photo, diagram, font, video, or sound.
  • How is an asset log created and used?
    The log will contain the asset itself, an image of it or a link to each asset. Each asset will be logged with a row of information including its name, size, format, date found, copyright information, and web link. Can be searched and filtered so that assets can easily be found again. All members of the team should have access to the newest version of it.
  • What is a flow chart?

    A diagram of events or steps that shows the sequence they should happen in.
  • How is a flow chart created and used?
    Flow charts use shapes containing information that you connect using lines and directional arrows to link the shapes together. Enter the parts of the project step-by-step, one underneath another or moving from left to right to show the flow of work from one job or stage to the next.
  • What is a script?

    A document that contains the written text of a media product, formatted and laid out in a very specific way.
  • How a script is created and used
    It includes the dialogue that people say, their movements, actions, expressions and instructions on how the lines should be said. A script will also contain music cues, sound effects and information about the scenes in chronological order.
  • What is a story board?

    A story board is a series of boxes or panels containing the action that occurs, shot by shot.
  • How a storyboard is created and used:
    Fill the boxes with drawings to show what each shot will look like from a specific camera angle and shot type. Underneath the boxes include directions and instructions relating to camera shot, angle and movement. Add a description of the action in the scene, the sound cues and the transitions.
  • What is a visualization diagram?
    A detailed drawing or sketch that shows what a final product should look like.
  • How a visualization diagram is created and used:
    You can draw it on paper, digitally, using an illustrator or create it using sourced images and text from the internet, or physical sources. It may contain annotations and colour.
  • What is a wirefrime layout?
    A digital or hand drawn line drawing that shows the layout for and arrangement of assets for a page of a media product.
  • How is a wireframe layout created and used?
    The focus is on layout and function, to indicate using shapes and lines where different elements go, such as images, videos, and where buttons should go. Useful for creating a first draft of a project, but are also known as a prototype, for testing out how a user might access and use different elements and how they should be set out.