Determined by the balance of Ca2+ entry, extrusion, and exchange between cytosol, ER/SR, and mitochondria
Calcium regulation of mediator release
1. Exocytosis
2. Diffusible mediators via enzyme activation
3. Promotion of neuronal excitability and plasticity
4. Stabilization of dendritic spines
Intracellular calcium regulation
1. Ca2+ entry
2. Ca2+ extrusion
3. Ca2+ exchange
Calcium role in balancing metabolism and apoptosis
Through ER-mitochondrial signaling, crucial for determining normal cell function or programmed cell death
Calcium role in stabilizing dendritic spines
Localized changes in cytosolic calcium levels contribute to the stabilization of dendritic spines, maintaining synaptic connections and integrating incoming signals
Calcium storage
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) store calcium, released in response to stimuli
Increased intracellular calcium
Activates enzymes responsible for synthesis of non-stored mediators like prostanoids and nitricoxide, allowing their release
Calcium entry
Occurs through channels and Na+/Ca2+ exchange
Processes involving calcium regulation
Synaptic plasticity
Calcium ions
Affect various aspects of cell function by binding to proteins such as calmodulin, which then regulate the function of other proteins
Intracellular calcium concentration increases
Causes Ca2+-mediated interaction between proteins of synaptic vesicle and plasma membrane, leading to exocytosis
Calcium role in promoting neuronal excitability and plasticity
Required for short- and long-term plasticity, phosphorylation of AMPA receptors, insertion of more AMPA receptors, and structural changes in dendritic spines
Aberrant calcium dynamics
Excessive or insufficient levels can disrupt normal cell cycle and apoptosis regulation, contributing to cancer development and progression
Calcium regulation of cell cycle
Controls protein kinase C (PKC) and calmodulin, regulating expression and activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks) to progress cells into the S phase