Let you proofread your Excel workbooks, add and delete comments, protect and unprotect Excel sheets/ workbooks & finally allow users to track changes in a multi-user Excel workbook
Formatting, alignment, inserting and deleting rows or columns, sorting and filtering numbers, applying styles and formatting effects, finding and replacing data and much more
Import data from external sources including but not limited to a text files, Microsoft Access databases, web pages, xml documents, Microsoft Query, Microsoft SQL Server databases
TIMELINE - Outlines events chronologically. - Can either be simple or complex. - It invites the viewer to go on a historical journey using interesting and relevant content and design.
FLOWCHART - Designed to make theviewer answer a series of questions to reach a particular answer.
NUMERICAL - An infographic whose primary content is comprised of numbers, charts, graphs, or statistical data
PHOTO INFOGRAPHIC - An infographic whose primary content is composed of pictures or easy steps/tips about a certain topic.