Lesotho highland water transfer scheme - water

Cards (7)

  • Lesotho= poor, landlocked, mostly subsistence farmers, food insecurity but water surplus
    South Africa= Lesotho's richer neighbour but has water deficit
  • Solution:
    Build a large scale water transfer scheme (moving water)
    Gets energy (HEP) and money
    South Africa:
    Gets water
  • Lesotho positives:
    Provides 75% of the country's GDP
    Supplies the country with all it's HEP
  • South Africa positives:
    Provides safe water for 10% of the population without access to a safe water supply
    Fresh water reduces acidity in the River Vaal, reservoirs which were polluted due to mining, industry and sewage
  • Lesotho negatives:
    Building of the first two dams meant that 30,000 people had to move from their land
    Corruption has prevented money and investment reaching those affected by the construction
  • South Africa negatives:
    Costs are likely to reach $4 billion
    40% of water is lost through leakage
  • Paper 2