Economy, law, order and foreign affairs

Cards (6)

  • What was the Great Chain of being?
    The Elizabethans believed that God had set out an order for everything, known as the Great Chain of Being. This also included the order of society and your place in it.
  • Who was believed to be at the top of English Society?
  • Why was the Poor Laws introduced (brief)?
    Changing attitudes toward the poor and a fear of social unrest
  • What was the challenges to Law and order?
    Eizabeth faced challenges throughout her long reign. Many were from Catholic plotters wanting Elizabeth off the throne and Mary, Queen of Scots on. Elizabeth thwarted plots such as The Northern Earl’s Rebellion, The Throckmorton Plot and The Babington Plot, securing England’s security.
  • Who were foregin threats to Elizabeth?
    Spain, France
  • What was the general issues with Spain (brief)?
    Spain turned out to be the bigger threat. During Elizabeth’s reign, tensions built between the two countries culminating in the Spanish Armada in 1588 – Spain’s failed attempt to invade England and overthrow Elizabeth. England’s victory over Spain was a highpoint for Elizabeth and she seized on the propaganda opportunity to further boost her image and international status.