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  • OCD
    • OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by either obsessions and/or compulsions.
  • Obsessions
    • Obsessions are recurrent and persistent thoughts that are intrusive, unwanted, and cause anxiety and distress.
    • Individuals try to suppress the thoughts or neutralize them with some other thought or action.
  • Compulsions
    • Compulsions are repetitive behaviors (e.g. checking) or mental acts (e.g. counting) in response to an obsession.
    • These behaviors are designed to reduce anxiety or prevent a dreadful event from occurring, and they are excessive and can be unrealistic.
  • Cognitive Characteristics of Obsessions
    Recurrent and Persistent Thoughts
    • Experience repeated obsessive thoughts, unwanted images and ideas of intrusive nature which cause distress.
    Insight into Excessive Anxiety
    • Sufferers are aware that their obsessions and compulsions aren't rational which is necessary for diagnosis.
    Catastrophic Thoughts
    • about worst-case scenarios that might result if their anxieties were justified.
  • Behavioural Characteristics of Compulsions
    Repetitive Behaviours: Sufferers feel compelled to repeat actions in response to obsessive thoughts, such as hand washing, counting, praying, and tidying.

    Compulsions Reduce Anxiety: Behaviors and mental acts aim to prevent distress caused by obsessions, like compulsive checking to prevent imagined disasters, despite being unable to realistically prevent them.
  • Emotional Characteristics
    • Anxiety and Distress: Obsessive thoughts induce overwhelming anxiety, demanding compulsive behaviors to prevent it.
    • Guilt: OCD often involves irrational guilt, eg minor moral concerns and the fear of consequences causing feelings of guilt.