According to the Statistical Infrequency definition, a behaviour is seen as abnormal if it is statistically uncommon or not seen very often in society.
Therefore, abnormality is determined by looking at the distribution of a particular behaviour within society.
Usually, this is defined two ways:
1.Scoring outside of 95% of the population.2.Scoring more than 2 standard deviations away from the mean
abnormality is determined by looking at the distribution of a particular behaviour or characteristic in society.
P- One problem with the statistical infrequency definition of abnormality is the issue of misdiagnosis.
E- Certain behaviours are statistically common; for example, approximately 10% of the population will
experience depression at some point making this behaviour ‘normal’, technically.
E- On the other hand, certain behaviours – for example, high IQ – are statistically uncommon and therefore considered abnormal despite their desirable nature.
L- This is therefore a serious drawback of adopting the statistical infrequency definition in explaining abnormality and perhaps should not be used in isolation when making a diagnosis