intro to organic chem

Cards (41)

  • What number should the double bond (C-C) be positioned?
    The smallest numbering possible as it has priority of methyl groups.
  • What are the steps to name an organic molecule/compound
    First count the longest carbon chain-this will be your ending unless there's a higher priority group.Second count the number of alkyl groups and name them by ordering them in increasing alphabetical order(ethyl before methyl ect) and naming their positions.
  • How are hyphens used to name an organic molecules?
    Hyphens separate numbers from letters and prefixes from suffixes .
  • State the alkyl groups prefixes
  • If the alkyl group can't be a different position without changing the molecule then naming the position of it isn't necessary.
  • What are two alkyl groups that are the same called?
  • What are three alkyl groups that are the same called?
  • What are four alkyl groups that are the same called?
  • What are the prefixes of halogenoalkanes?
  • How are halogens in an organic molecule named?
    In order of increasing alphabetical order
  • How are alkenes with an alcohol group named?
    alkenols-name of alkene without vowel ending + ol
  • When is numbering of alcohols necessary?
    When there is more than one carbon
  • What is the smallest ketone?
  • How can I tell the difference between an aldehyde and ketone?
    Aldehyde has c=o bond at end of chain,ketone middle.Aldehyde has at least one hydrogen bonded,ketone doesn't.
  • Ketone and aldehydes take higher priority than other methyl groups.
  • How do you name a carboxylic acids?
    Add longest c chain with oic acid as suffix
  • What do nitriles look like?
    R(organic molecule) bonded to C that has a triple nitrogen bond
  • How are nitriles named?
    Same steps as before but parent functional group before nitrile suffix ends in a vowel -ane or ene- as there can't be two consonants.
  • What is the priority of the functional groups?
    Carboxylic acid,nitriles,aldehydes,ketones,alcohols and lastly amines.
  • How is an organic molecule with a nitrile and alcohol named?
    Nitrile ending with hydroxy as prefix(include numbering)
  • How is an organic molecule with amines and other functional group named?
    Amino is lowest priority so used as a prefix.Other functional group will take priority as a suffix.Include numbering.
  • What are two of the same alcohols(functional group) called?
    Diol - used as a suffix with e at the end of parent group to prevent two consonants being used.
  • What are two double bonds in a molecule called?
    Diene-as a suffix with parent name ending in a
  • What are two carboxylic acids called?

    Di before suffix-with parent name ending in vowel a or e,and suffix oic acid
  • What is skeletal formula?
    The carbon skeleton of a molecule
  • How do you draw skeletal formula?
    One line represents two carbons,vertices of a line is the end of a molecule(usually CH3).Ensure each carbon is bonded to 4 atoms.
  • How do you add a different functional group to the end of a molecule?
    Add a line with the structural formula of the functional group at the end of it.
  • What is chain isomerism?
    A different arrangement of the hydrocarbon chain- changing the chain length and adding branches.
  • what's positional isomerism?
    Moving the position of the functional groups on the main chain
  • What's functional group isomerism?
    Functional groups that are different?
  • What are structural isomers?
    Isomers that have the same molecular formula but different structural formulae.
  • The minimum carbon chain length that can be a chain isomer is...
  • If the molecule is a halogenoalkane(halogen in alkane) then it cannot have a functional group isomer as there's only one possible functional group.
  • How do you find out which is an isomer of a given compound?
    First label the given compound and write it's molecular formula.Then compare to the other molecules to see if they share the same molecular formula.
  • What can be a functional group isomer of an alkane?
  • When you change the chain length add how many methyl groups is required to make it back to the original chain length.
  • What is stereoisomerism?
    When two or more compounds have the same structural formula but differ in their arrangement of the bonds in space.
  • What are the types of stereoisomerism?
    E-Z isomerism and optical isomerism
  • Stereoisomers occurs mainly in alkanes due to restricted rotation in double carbon-carbon bond.Both carbons on either side of the double bond have different groups attached.
  • How do you display E-Z isomerism?
    Draw the double bond with 4 lines extended (2 on each side).Place the two different groups on each side(from each carbon double bond).