Theories of family

Cards (12)

  • Feminist theory - Society is patriarchal and male-dominated where men exploit women. Women are critical to the nuclear family. Argues girls are socialised into caring and serving a domestic role which is viewed as a norm in society. Work of sociologists: Delphy and Leonard (1992) and Ann Oakley (1982)
  • Conflict view - Argues that some people benefit more from being in a family than others. Includes work of sociologists from Marxist and Feminist perspective.
  • Ann Oakley's theory (1982) - Argued that boys and girls are socialised from birth into different gender norms through canalisation. The division of roles benefits men as it gives them more power, status, money and choice.
  • Willmott and Young (1973)- claimed that in many families the roles of men and women had become similar. e.g domestic tasks being shared. They called this the symmetrical family. Developed idea of stratified diffusion; social changes filter down from middle class to working class.
  • Functionalist theory - Argues that family fulfils the function of socialisation. Without families, children wouldn't learn expected behaviours of society, creating social problems. Includes work of Talcott Parsons
  • Marxist theory - Argues nuclear family benefits the capitalist system and maintains the power of the bourgeoisie (ruling class), because family wealth is inherited. Argues that proletariat (working class) are socialised into accepting low positions in unequal society by learning to accept authority. Includes work of Eli Zaretsky (1976)
  • Consensus view - Belief that nuclear family plays a vital role in society and belonging to a nuclear family is beneficial to all members. Includes work of sociologists from functionalist and New right persepective.
  • Rapoports (1982) - Identified the number of ways family diversity was increasing.
  • New right view - Nuclear family is the natural family form. Encourages division of gender roles and parents are role models to children. They see divorce as a threat to society as it is an increase of lone parent families which causes social problems like crime and poverty. Includes work of Charles Murray.
  • Eli Zaretksy theory (1976) - Argued nuclear family benefits capitalist system. Women carry out unpaid domestic work which benefits capitalism. Argues 'cult of private life' is when people are so focused on family life they ignore unfairness of capitalism
  • Talcott Parsons theory - Argued that nuclear family performs function of primary socialisation in children. Also that nuclear family provides stabilisation of adult personalities, family members can relax with family after work 'warm bath theory'
  • Delphy and Leonard theory (1992) - Argued that women are economically exploited by being expected to do unpaid housework. Men and women are socialised into expecting domestic work to be done for free. Women in nuclear family benefits men.