Protestant Christians who broke away from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation. They believe in the teachings of the Bible but reject the authority of the Pope
Some of Elizabeth's most trusted Privy Councillors and Members of Parliament were Puritans and tried to pressure her into taking harsher steps against Catholics
1575-83 - Some Puritan clergy started organising prayer meetings known as ‘prophesyings’ which displeased Elizabeth. In these meetings, Puritans took a freer approach to prayer and did not follow what Elizabeth wanted
1571 - Walter Strickland, leader of the Puritan group in Parliament, wanted to reform Elizabeth’s new Prayer Book and ban clergy vestments. Elizabeth silenced him by closing Parliament so his ideas could not be discussed
Elizabeth held strong against the Puritan attempts to get her to change the Religious Settlement and the movement lost momentum towards the end of her reign as, one by one, the old Puritan leaders died